Youth Theater Classes

At Plein Theater, children aged 6 to 12 can participate to theater classes in a real theater venue! The lessons nourish the imagination, stimulate the fantasy and broaden the perspective. Together with experienced theater makers and (guest) teachers, they work on performances that are presented to friends and family in the theater.

We believe that fun and teamwork are important. And they also learn a lot in the process. The young makers learn to create scenes themselves and use different techniques. We work on the exercises and presentations both individually and in groups with the input of the students. In this way they learn to work together, gain more self-confidence, create focus and develop as young makers in their own living and experiencing world.

Register for the youth theater classes 2024/2025!

Register now for youth theater lessons from September 2024 to May 2025! The year consists of a Course Block Theater Making from September to December, with a small interim presentation, and a Production Block Theater Making, where we work towards a final presentation in the theater for friends and family!

Would you like to take a trial lesson first? This is possible on Wednesday, September 11.
Register per half year, or for the entire year at once and get 1 lesson for free!

Wednesday 14:45 - 15:45 | Ages 6 - 8 year | Group 1
Wednesday 15:45 - 17:15 | Ages 9 - 12 year | Group 2

29 classes, 2 performance visits, an interim presentation in class and a final presentation

Group 1: €266 | Group 2: €364

13 classes, 1 performance visit and an interim presentation in class
Group 1: €123,50 | Group 2: €169

16 classes, 1 performance visit and a final presentation
Group 1: €152 | Group 2: €208


Theater teacher

The theater lessons are taught by Coosje de Loor (1995). In 2019 she graduated as a theater maker and teacher. She is also busy creating her own performance and works in many different places in Amsterdam and the surrounding area. Coosje always works from music and the imagination of her performers. Because their story is central. In addition to giving her group acting lessons, she also encourages them to explore their own creatorship and to use their own strength. Together we will work towards a performance in which everyone has a share.


Youth Fund Sports & Culture

For people with a minimum income, it is possible to apply for full or partial reimbursement of tuition fees from the Youth Fund for Sport & Culture (formerly Youth Culture Fund). See for more information.



Do you have any questions? Please contact Elise Vroonhof (coördinator) via or 020-6654568