
Newsletter // Happy 2024!

Dear reader,

Plein Theater wishes you an inspiring and happy 2024!

We look forward to a promising year! Expect an adventurous monthly concert by Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam, plenty of youth theater for various ages, the third Queering Puppets Festival Amsterdam in the first week of April, Amsterdam Talks Sex, exhibitions, dining party's, theater, dance, music and more!

Do you have an idea for an event or a suggestion for a program in Plein Theater? Let us know! #GetInvolved

This week we kick off the new year festively. On Friday, January 12, we treat our team and old and new volunteers to a dinner. Are you interested in participating as a volunteer or do you know someone in your area? Sign yo as a PodiumPearl or feel free to come along to the volunteer meeting to get acquainted!

Tonight is also the last chance to visit the exhibition Collages by Jalinka Gressmann in the finissage. And together with Instigator Studio we are organizing the open screening of the short film ALLES IS OK by filmmaker Felipe Barea Prado. Both programs are accessible freely.

Be very welcome!
Team Plein Theater

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