Expected! // Ecognosis N 52° 21’ 39.207” E 4° 41’ 49.702" from BetweenTwoHands!
Expected: From 7 to 27 March with a proviso that the theaters may open again
Tickets: Available from the moment we can determine dates
Language no problem
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Ecognosis N 52° 21’ 39.207” E 4° 41’ 49.702"
Foundation BetweenTwoHands
An interactive stop-motion animation installation
Ecognosis, a riddle. Ecognosis is like knowing, but more like letting be known. It is something like coexisting. It is like becoming accustomed to something strange, yet it is also becoming accustomed to strangeness that doesn’t become less strange through acclimation. Ecognosis is like a knowing that knows itself.
Timothy Morton
The theatrical stop-motion animation installation Ecognosis is inspired by Alan Weisman's book 'The World Without Us'.
In this book Weisman describes how nature takes over the world again as soon as man disappears.
In this theatrical installation stop-motion animations are projected on a 3D paper world by means of video mapping. The stop-motion animations are animated plants, insects and microbes, which depict how our artificial world will collapse as soon as man is no longer there to support it and nature takes over.
On the one hand, we want to make it clear through this work that humans destroy nature by interfering with it, on the other hand, by demonstrating the beauty and intelligence of nature, we want to make people realize that nature is something that must be make every effort to preserve it rather than destroy it.
Concept, design and stop-motion animations: Erin Tjin A Ton
Concept, design and stop-motion animations: Gosia Kaczmarek
Advice, design and stop-motion animations: Martine Rademakers
Soundscape: Evelien van den Broek
Sound engineering and foley: Marcel de Rooij
Trainee: Sanya Gurung
Furniture: WoodWorks
Photography: Moon Saris
Registration: Jasper de Bruin
Technical advice: Performance Technology LAB (Gertjan Biasino, Keez Duyves en Jason Malone)
Ecognosis was established with the support of:
Stichting Stokroos
Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
Tijl Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
Performance Technology LAB
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